
Tom Hardy starring in ‘Venom’ movie with ‘Zombieland’ director helming it

tom hardy venom zombieland director

I, I just don’t care Venom movie. I know that Tom Hardy is starring in it. Awesome. I know the director of Zombieland is directing it. Awesome. But, man. My apathy. How about you?

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‘Okja’ Trailer: From the mind of ‘Snowpiercer’ comes a girl and her super pig. I’m friggin’ in

The trailer for  Bong Joon-ho’s next flick has dropped, for the movie Okja. Joon-ho is a sneaky beast of a director, with both The Host and Snowpiercer on his resume (among others). So, the wonky premise of a girl and her super pig, combined with the director, has me excited.

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‘Aquaman’ News: James Wan shares photo of Amber Heard as Mera

aquaman mera amber heard

Is this news? Naw! Fuck naw! But man, ain’t nothing truly news these days. Is this Amber Heard? Yeah! Fuck yeah! So I’m posting it.

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‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ Trailer: Fight Only To Survive

I…I can’t be the only one rooting for the apes in this movie, can I?

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‘The Flash’ News: Sam Raimi passes on directing, Robert Zemeckis might, Billy Crudup leaves film

the flash news sam raimi robert zemeckis billy crudup

The Flash can’t seem to land any good fucking news these days. Rotating cast of potential directors, infinite script rewrites (a DCU staple at this point), and now Billy Crudup has left the flick.

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‘Logan Noir’ Trailer: Wolverine’s Swan Song In Gorgeous Black and White

Hey! Finally done drying your eyes over Logan? Now you can fire up them waterworks one more time! Here’s the Logan Noir trailer!

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Rumor: ‘Justice League’ reshoots have “remade” the movie *twice*, with more to come

justice league rumor reshoots remade movie

Oh, DC. If at first you don’t succeed in unfucking a movie, try, try again. The last two movies that were reported to have such extensive reshoots were the dumpster fire that was Suicide Squad, and the mediocre Rogue One. Given the DCU’s track record, I’m eagerly awaiting their latest turd pâté.

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Dwayne Johnson wants Armie Hammer to play Shazam in the DC movie universe

dwayne johnson armie hammer shazam

I’m on record as being a big fan of Armie Hammer, due more or less to the fact that he’s an outstanding babe, and charming as fuck in Free Fire and The Man From UNCLE. So, yes, sign me the fuck up for him playing Shazam.

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Official Look: Chris Hemsworth as the shorn, smoldering Thunder God in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

thor ragnarok chris hemsworth

I’ll take anything Thor: Ragnarok, folks. Anything.

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‘Edge of Tomorrow’ getting sequel (yay!) with even less marketable name than the first (boo!)

edge of tomorrow sequel

I’m stoked that Edge of Tomorrow is getting a sequel. But I’m worried for the flick, already, because the title to the sequel is fucking absurd.

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