
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is done filming, according to Russo Bros. Instagram

One down.

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“One down”, reads a Russo Brothers’ Instagram post. I can’t even imagine how fucking tired they are from filming the biggest movie(s) of all time. However, no rest for the weary, ’cause they still have the sequel to Infinity War to film before they’re done.

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‘Ready Player One’ gets first official image from Spielberg’s adaptation

ready player one first image

RPO, a shameless masturbation of 1980s and early 90s culture, and fusillade of fan service, is getting a movie adaptation. It’s coming courtesy of Steven Spielberg, and if you’re wondering how the book is going to translate, here’s your first look.

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New ‘Justice League’ photo has Flash teaming-up with Wonder Woman and The Batman

justice league flash team-up batman wonder woman

I’m not really sure why I’m sharing this photo, outside of the fact that all the other pop culture slob-blogs did. From Entertainment Weekly, it’s got Barry Allen teaming up with the Mom and Dad of the Justice League, Bruce and Diana. As an aside, perhaps a brief aside, man I hope this movie is good.

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Full look at Thanos from ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ revealed at D23 Expo

avengers thanos d23 expo

There’s an enormous-as-fuck-enormous statue of Thanos at Disney’s D23 Expo. Said statue gives us the best look yet at how the Mad Titan will appear in Avengers: Infinity War.

Hit the jump to check it out, because, like, potential spoilers or some shit.

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Quentin Tarantino’s next movie is about the Manson Family Murders

quentin tarantino manson family murders movie

Quentin Tarantino got two movies left before he reaches his self-imposed cinematic limit. His penultimate film will be, apparently, about the Manson Family Murders.

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[Update: Or nah] Jeremy Renner broke both his arms doing ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ stunt

jeremy renner broken arms infinity war

[Update: Or nah.]

You can say what you will about Jeremy Renner as Hawkguy. Specifically, that he isn’t Hawkguy, was miscast as Hawkguy, and is written oddly as Hawkguy (though I don’t mind him as much as others do). However, what you can’t say is the dude isn’t committed to the character.

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Matt Reeves’ Batman movie “inspired” by The Dark Knight Trilogy because obviously dude

matt reeves the batman dark knight trilogy

Matt Reeves has come out and said what’s obvious: he’s inspired by the Dark Knight Trilogy. But, really, who at DC isn’t? Even if it’s a reactionary, “no, we aren’t like Nolan” response, that very negative space is in of itself an inspiration. That said, Reeves clearly means he *is* inspired by the films. Is that a good thing, though? I don’t know. First blush is to respond “oh, cool”, second blush is “yeah but do something new” you know? All in all, it’s the middle of the summer and news is slow, I actually imagine this is just director-on-director masturbation. Frottage, if you will.

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‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ poster by Mondo does Spidey right

mondo spider-man homecoming poster

Mondo. In case you ever feel down about the state of officially-produced posters for superhero movies, just know Mondo out here. Doing god’s work.

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‘The Batman’ News: Warner Bros. is “really excited” by Matt Reeves’ idea for the movie

the batman warner bros matt reeves excited

I’ve tried rallying my friends around the idea of Matt Reeves’ The Batman kicking ass. Cynical fuckers, and justified by the movie’s troubled development, they’re reticent. Well, fuckers! How about this? Warner Bros. themselves are excited by the director’s vision for the movie.

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Fox sets dates for six mystery Marvel films, cause oversaturation is a myth

fox sets dates six marvel movies

Everyone, everyone wants in on extended universes. Thus far, I’d say only Marvel has pulled one off, though DC seems to be rallying. Others have tried, preemptively, to announce their own universes, then fallen into a pile of their own feces-pies. I’m looking at you, Dark Universe. So it makes sense that Fox is looking to establish a slate of films, but goddamn if I don’t think they may be jumping the gun.

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