Hugh Jackman teases ‘Wolverine 3’ as his last flick playing Logan
You’ve got to hand it to Hugh Jackman. Motherfucker has been playing Wolverine for like, what, fifteen years? So while it’s a bit of a bummer if it’s true that Wolverine 3 is going to be his last go as the character, it’s hard to not figure he has earned his superheroic freedom at this point.
Jason Segel and Drew Pearce making ‘LEGO Movie’ spin-off, ‘Billion Brick Race’
The vampires! Ready! Poised! Set to suck any innocent marrow out of the LEGO Movie, and use their alchemy to convert it into hard earned, well-churned profit. (As a fan of the SWU and MCU I have no ground to stand on, yes.)
Holy Meta! Steven Spielberg directing ‘Ready Player One’
Holy cannoli, down the rabbit hole we go. Steven Spielberg is directing Ready Player One, which was a coming of age novel based off of lavishly wanking it to (among other things) an era where…Steven Spielberg was directing wonderful…coming of age movies.
Idris Elba in talks to play ‘Star Trek 3’ villain. F**k yeah.
Justin Lin directing. Simon Pegg helping to write. Idris Elba potentially playing the villain. Star Trek 3 is shaping up nicely.