#Monday Morning Commute

Monday Morning Commute: Zen and the Art of Yeehaw Skyrim!

monday morning commute zen and the art of yeehaw skyrim

Eat gator! Jerk off in the woods!  Sweat too much, smell too awfully. Enjoy nature! Curse how it makes your balls smell. Am I talking about my trip to Denver last month? Or am I talking about Red Dead Redemption 2? Why not both, you son of a bitch! Yadda yadda, blah blah. How the fuck are you folks doing? Me? I’m doing a-okay. Sleep late, masturbate. Two of the pillars of my current summer vacation. Life ain’t bad.

I mean, if you can ignore the Arctic melting, and the rise of fascism. But, I have faith you can. Us rot-mouth flesh-bellies have tremendous power to deny forthcoming doom. I imagine that prowess stems from our incessant need to deny our own mortality, and works its way into shuttering our eyes at the very-not-good situation on this planet.

Anyways! Holy fuck, what’s up? Glaze your tits, gaze your eyes, and join me here at Monday Morning Commute.

The impending mortality? The horrors of modern culture?

Why, gloss them over with some distractions. And, share your particular distractions this week!

I’ll go first, fellow meat-bags.

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Monday Morning Commute: Behold The Glow-Up!

monday morning commute the official glow up (2)

I’m off until September, but am I really up to something these days? I don’t know the answer, but I also don’t know if it matters. You know? Been padding my time with some sleeping. Some gaming. Watching movies. Doing work! Oh yard work. Cutting down shrubs, mowing the lawn, weeding. And, if I’m being honest? I enjoy it. A mixture of zen-like moments, and tangible progress. Anyways, this here is a tardy edition of Monday Morning Commute. The wank-off session where we all share what we’re up to across a given week.

The wank-off? Figurative. But, go ahead and be literal with it if you want.

I ain’t judging.

Anyhoo! Anyways! I’ll go first.

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Monday Morning Commute: Once Upon A Time In Omega Level

monday morning commute once upon a time

Greetings, fellow travelers upon the Space-Ship Omega! It’s I, your depraved and debauched captain. Walking around, wearing only boxer briefs and a compromised smile! How are you? Me? I’m doing decent enough. Pausing for a moment, taking a good goddamn breath. It’s hard to believe July is almost over. But, it’s also not that hard. My word, what a fucking busy month. Went to a funeral, taught two classes, went to Denver, ate too much. However, I’m done! Done teaching, at least until September.

Thus, I’m stoked to spend this time reconnecting with you all. Here on the blog! Hopefully this weekend, on Twitch!

What are you up to this week? Playing anything? Watching anything? What measures are you taking to stay cool, as the Earth melts and hope evaporates? I wanna know!

I’ll go first.

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Weekend Open Bar: The Universe Has No Obligation

weekend open bar the universe

What’s up, fuckers? It’s the Captain of the Space-Ship Omega. And word, I’m actually daring to interact with ya’ll folks. (I had a student tell me to yell “ya’ll folks” when the class acts up, I’m trying it out.)

First things first — no stream again this weekend. I know. I know! But, Bateman is currently in Madrid. Living that glorious life. So, yeah. Fuck us, right?

Second things second — I figured we could hang out here, instead? At Weekend Open Bar!

Man, I’ve been so fucking busy lately. I absolutely adore teaching two summer classes for the first time ever. That said? Monday through Thursday, I ain’t got any extra juice. Apologies! Apologies. The whole waking up early thing ain’t so bad, but I’m fucking tapped by the time I get to a computer in the evening.

You can fucking chart the exact moment when my week ends, as the Engines of Textual Diarrhea snap to life and I begin posting again.

Anyways, how the fuck are you folks this weekend? Anyways, what the fuck are you folks up to this weekend? Anyone seeing Crawl? I wanna. Anyone playing a particular game? I think I’m gonna finally begin my final assault on Red Dead Redemption 2.

Join me around the hearth. Pants down, smiles up.

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Monday Morning Commute: It’s supposed to be easier than this (promised no one)

monday morning commute its supposed to be easier

I know that I haven’t written a Monday Morning Commute in a hot minute, and if truth be told, I don’t want to be writing one now! Hey, how’s that for a hello! But, I gotta admit. It’s just tough to get the juice needed to spin one. However what I know is this: for every week a skip, it becomes more difficult. So here I am, friends. Every once in a while I wax nostalgic here, a bit lachrymal. Despite closing in on a solid fucking decade of OL this August (I say goddamn!), there’s always a bit of me that misses the old days.

What can ya do, nothing gold can stuff. And, if gold can’t stay, imagine the lasting power of this shambling space-ship in the middle of Oblivion.

So even though these posts feel more like Captain’s Logs chronicling the end-run of blog entropy rather than a communal experience these days, I’m here! And this is what I’m digging and anticipating this week.

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Wednesday Afternoon Commute: Take a fucking breath!

monday morning commute take a breath

I’m late, but I’m here, motherfuckers! Here with another Monday Morning Commute! The weekly catch-all column where we (usually just me screaming into the wind, tbh) gather to share what we’ve have been enjoying the past week. What we’re going to be enjoying this week. And, generally just fucking around. I’ll go first, because I’m tardy as fuck. But, I hope you’ll join me in the comments section. Let’s go, comrades!

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Monday Morning Commute: Have fun, eat sweets, try to walk and exercise!

monday morning commute have fun eat sweets

Holy shit, I’m alive! I’m a-l-i-v-e! I promise, I’m alive. This definitely isn’t a re-constituted Digi-ian communicating to you from beyond the Physical Realm. I promise. Anyways, how the fuck are you? Me? I’m doing okay. I’m not, praise the Elder Gods, tutoring this summer.

What does that mean? It means that I have some time to convalesce, ingest media, and eat too much before my summer class(es).

So, in the spirit of Corpulent Media Consumption, here’s what I’m absorbing into my totally-not-a-digital-construct of a brain this week. I hope you’ll join me in the comments section!

This is Monday Morning Commute!

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Monday Morning Commute: Don’t ask me, I don’t know

monday morning commute dont ask me i dont know

Hey friends! Drinkwater here. Caffeine Powered here. CaffPow here. Whatever appellation you want to hang on me, go for it. I simply don’t fucking care. Weird week here for me, friends. My wife’s grandmother passed away last week, and we’re in that liminal state. Between the passing and the service. Between the act and the acceptance. If you’re reading this babe, I love you! You’ve got this. And so everything feels in stasis until at least the service on Saturday. But as we all know, it’ll be a much longer process than that.

Meanwhile, I am in the doldrums of the semester. Tired. I’m tired. The students are tired. The staff are tired. We all out here, tired. So, apologies if nothing is truly sizzling my tits right now. I present to you Monday Morning Commute, none the less. And, I suppose that’s where you come in.

Indeed, hit up the comments section.

Let me know what you’re enjoying!

Furthermore, let me know what you’re anticipating this week!

I’ll go first, per the rules of this dance.

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Monday Morning Commute: We’re In The Endgame(s) Now

monday morning commute endgames now

We’re in the endgames now, my friends. With the crushing realization that the MCU As We Know It has about ten days left (less if you’ve seen the leaks), I’m beginning to descend into melancholic nostalgia. However, it isn’t just the MCU that’s wrapping things up. Nope! Johnny Wick‘s third and seemingly final adventure is right around the corner, and Game of Thrones‘ final season began on Sunday.

All three of those are reason for me to pause and mourn, but it ain’t all bad news. You see, I’m also staring at less than a month left in the semester. Won’t catch me crying over its demise, though. No way! No how!

Anyways, how the fuck are you? This is Monday Morning Commute. The column where we gather to share what we’re enjoying on a given week. As well, we babble about what’s dropping over the course of the next seven days that has us hype.

I’ll go first!

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Monday Morning Commute: God’s In Heaven / All’s Right With The World!

monday morning commute gods in heaven

It’s Monday, motherfuckers! And, it’s dreary, and overcast here in the Northeastern arm of the Empire! So, I must confess. A bit of the banging of the doldrums going on over here. However let’s not wallow, right? Instead, let’s burn away the malaise with the throbbing (throbbing?), hot lights of excitement! Tell me what you’re enjoying and anticipating, here in the Monday Morning Commute!

I’ll go first!

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