#Marvel Cinematic Universe
James Gunn has been rehired to direct ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ and this rules so hard
‘Avengers: Endgame’ Trailer: The Team Is Ready To Do Whatever It Takes, But I Ain’t!
Man, just fuck me up with this unexpected Avengers: Endgame trailer, Marvel.
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Marvel’s ‘Shang-Chi’ movie to be directed by Destin Daniel Cretton. Let’s get weird, let’s get fun, fellas!
After Captain Marvel, I’m just straight-up done with Marvel’s “Paint By Numbers” origin story shit. So, part of me is pretty exhausted at the idea of a Shang-Chi origin movie. However, at the same time, it could be an opportunity for the MCU to get a bit weird. It’s been eleven years, it’s been fifty-nine movies. Let’s cut loose.
Monday Morning Commute: Higher. Further. Faster.
Hey, fellow crew mates of the Space-Ship Omega! How the fuck are you? I know it’s been a minute since I punched out a Monday Morning Commute, but what do you want? I’ve been busy! I got mental health issues! It’s cold, and snowy, and miserable, and I just want to lay under my anxiety blanket until the worm turns on this shit-ass season.
But, this week I’ve pushed through!
Ripping opening the door to the Space-Ship’s common room and hollerin’ for ya’ll to join me in it! Come hang out, and let me know what you’re looking forward to this week! As well, inform me of the various tunes, toons, tits, and other sundries you’re currently enjoying!
Not sure how this works? Eh, I don’t believe you! However, like any good spinner of pedagogy, I’ll model the exercise first! Then, you join me in the comments.
Marvel’s shows on Disney+ will tie directly into the Marvel Cinematic Universe which is dope as fuck
I think one of the major bummers of all the Marvel shows thus far has been how isolated they’ve been from the MCU. Maybe it’s not fair, but they’ve felt a bit less, consequential to me. That said, good news regarding the upcoming ones on Disney+, folks. Them motherfuckers will be interwoven into the MCU.
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AVENGERS: ENDGAME is currently THREE-HOURS LONG. This ain’t enough. GIVE ME SIX.
You nerds can love your bloated Return of the King. Me? I’m ready to love an insanely long coda to the first ten years of Marvel Studios movies. Three fucking hours? Give me six.
‘Deadpool’ will still be Rated-R according to Disney. Rejoice, fans of easy dick jokes and annoying references!
I really liked Deadpool, despite my initial trepidation. That said, I found its sequel to confirm the fears I had for the first. So, I was never really worried about Disney taking away the series’ mature rating, because I wanted them to take creative control away from Reynolds. Alas. What the fuck can you do. Here’s to another movie of Family Guy-levels of lame pop culture references and the word “cock” used copiously.
‘Avengers: Endgame’ Super Bowl Trailer: The Squad Gets Ready For Round 2!
Man, I can’t wait for this fucking movie.
Rumor: Michael B. Jordan is returning for ‘Black Panther 2’ so everyone can keep saying Killmonger was right et cetera
Michael B. Jordan in Black Panther 2? Well, maybe! I, uh, am actually inclined to believe this is true.
‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Trailer: Friends, Fury, and Mysterio, motherfuckers!
The Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer got a lot going on! And, I’m fucking here for all of it!