#Marvel Cinematic Universe

Leaked ‘Avengers 4’ promo art features the team assembling and Thanos with a gnarly weapon

avengers 4 promo art

Want some (potential) Avengers 4 promo art? Hit the fucking jump, comrades!

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Kevin Feige confirms that Kamala Khan’s Ms. Marvel is coming to the MCU. This is righteous news, friends

kevin feige kamala khan mcu

Holy fuck. I had sort of given up hope on seeing Kamala Khan in the MCU! But, apparently all my hopelessness was for naught. ‘Cause the head MCU Czar himself has confirmed she will be joining Marvel’s cinematic universe.

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‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ Trailer: Some Laughs to Dry Up Those Post-‘Infinity War’ Tears

Well timed, Marvel Marketing Gurus. This fun, lighthearted trailer is exactly what us devastated MCU fans need, after the emotional ruin of Infinity War.

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fallout from the INFINITY WAR: let’s have a spoiler-filled discussion!

fallout from the INFINITY WAR

It’s Monday — which means that the INFINITY WAR has already been waged!

If you’re among the OL-faithful, chances’re that you’ve seen the film and want to discuss it. As such, we want to provide you with a space to do just that. What’d you think of the movie? Were expectations met, surpassed, or disregarded entirely? Do you have some guesses for what’s going to go down in the next installment of the franchise?


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Russo Bros. would be interested in a ‘Secret Wars’ movie after Fox/Disney deal goes through

russo brothers secret wars movie

Man. Russo Bros., I assume you’re just spitballing here. But, don’t fucking play with my heart. I would goddamn love if you dudes chaperoned a Secret Wars adaptation.

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‘Avengers 4’ title should scare Marvel fans, says Russo Brothers. We get it, Thanos wins

avengers 4 title scare fans

At this point for me, it’s not a question of if the Avengers can stop Thanos in Infinity War. It’s a question of how many goddamn heroes die trying to stop him, and how they’re going to unfuck his damage in Avengers 4. A movie, which I’m sort of assuming is going to be titled Avengers: Reign of Thanos or some shit.

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‘Captain Marvel’ News: Lee Pace and Clark Gregg are returning to the MCU, baby!

captain marvel lee pace clark gregg

Wild, wild fucking reveals here from the Captain Marvel cast list, and I mean this in a good way. It appears that both fucking Agent Coulson and Ronan will be appearing in the movie.

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Chris Evans confirms he’s done with the MCU after ‘Avengers 4’ and I’m fucking disconsolate

chris evans done mcu avengers 4

We all sort of knew it was coming, right? Chris Evans being done with the MCU. But, now it’s been confirmed in stark relief. The actor himself has confirmed he’s throwing up the deuces to the MCU after Avengers 4 reshoots this year.

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‘Infinity War’ photo reveals rad ass new abilities for Iron Man’s armor

infinity war iron man bleeding edge armor

What’s a movie featuring Iron Man, without new abilities for his suit? Especially a movie as epic as Infinity War? Why, no fucking movie at all! Fans have been speculating about the newest round of Iron Man abilities since the trailer dropped, and, well, they were right.

After the jump for a look, and specific details! ‘Cause, spoilers! “Spoilers”, really.

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‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is dropping a week earlier, on April 27. Oh god, it’s coming earlier. And so am I.

avengers infinity war april 27

Fucking Avengers: Infinity War, dudes. I’ve been sweating it so hard, for so long. Goosebumps and teary eyes.  Speculations and postulations. It’s felt like the fucking May 4 release date is never going to arrive. But, good news for me. And you. We don’t need to wait that long anymore. Now it’s dropping on April 27, motherfuckers.

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