#So These Are Comic Books
Comics We’re Snagging This Week: Get That Broadsword Out Of My Secret Orifice
As I type this, it’s Tuesday evening. I’m on campus in the middle of another seven hour school night. Fuck, man! When you read this, such time will have passed. The groans of labor receded. It will be the most special day of the week. No, no, no. Not colonic and sugar cone Saturday evening. Though that day is a close second. It will be Wednesday, heralding the arrival of new funny books.
This is the jam where we all share the comics we’re digging this week. If you don’t know what’s dropping, hit up ComicList. Share your list, who knows what could happen. My colonic buddy is going away this weekend and if you’re comically compatible consider this your entrance exam.
Comics We’re Buying This Week: Event Books Ass Eating Contest
With a headline like that, I better buckle up. It’s that time of the year where the Funny Book Factories begin churning out stunning efforts in mediocrity, otherwise known as Events. Yes sir. Yes ma’am. This week the all ninety-three Avengers teams are going to be throwing down with all fourteen X-Men squads and the price will be paid by readers looking for something not refried and snot-covered. (I thought this was called Civil War?)
Eh! There’s dope books a’dropping this week too. Let’s focus on that. This is Comics We’re Buying This Week. The simplistically titled column where us worshippers of the paneled page can gather around and share the funny book loot we’re snagging this week. Don’t know what’s coming out? Hit up ComicList.
COMICS TIME THIS WEEK: Watch The Spaceman Choke, You Assholes.
Do you know how many comic books I read last week? One. I read the newest issue of Prophet and that was that. It was a gloriously hypnotic trek through a devastated post-apocalyptic Hemingway novel, and after that I shut my brain down for the week. I’ve been trying to slice the fatty material out of my comic diet. Much like my life I’m sure I’ll continue to binge, but the ideal is to strip down the pull-list into things I want to read. Not things I want to read, feel implored to read, and have a passing interest in at the cost of my wallet.
With that in mind, this is Comics We’re Buying This Fine Week. The column where we sit cross-legged in a circle, pantless of course, and share what we’re digging on in the funny book universe on a given Wednesday. I’ll go first. You follow me into the closet and count to 20. It’s going to be awesome.
Not sure what is coming out? Hit up ComicList.
COMICS WE’RE BUYING THIS WEEK: Crabapples, Breast-Feeding, and Aliens. We Have Win!
Come one, come all into the rodeo of splash-page-ultra-narrative death. This is Comics We’re Buying This Week, the column where we gather in a neat circle and share the new funny books that are exciting us. It’s communal. Like the showers. Like the water fountain. I go first. Don’t lag behind. This week is replete with eccentric wunder-artists, premiere issues, and breast milk. It’s going to be fun.
Don’t know what’s coming out this week? Hit up ComicList. Excuses removed!
Funny Books We’re Snagging This Week: Einstein Isn’t Just Gentle, He’ll Kiss You
Hello friends. Gals. Guys. Transpecimens from an alternate dimension reading this in the future as some ethnographic study on our primitive simian brain-stems. This is Funny Books We’re Snagging This Week, the comic book column where we spaz and spout and maybe even rub it a little over the week’s funny book releases. Everyone’s invited! Especially if you find something not covered. Not certain what’s coming out? Hit up ComicList.
Comics We’re Buying This Week: ‘ORC STAIN’ IS BACK, Stop F**king Everything!
Welcome to Comics We’re Buying This Week. At the end of a long fucking day, during a long fucking week in which I haven’t actually read any comic books, I come to you. My task!, should I choose to accept it: to tell you the funny books I’m buying during this ungodly weekly cycle. All I ask in return is that you partake in this community (I accidentally typed ‘cummunity’ so you can see the threads coming apart in here) by rattling off the swag you’re either buying or interested in that are dropping this week. It’s a simple conceit. Yet in these complicated times, isn’t that just a bit comforting? Make the nips soften a bit knowing every Wednesday lies some friends and some funnies.
Don’t know what’s coming out? Hit ComicList, then come back here. We’ll wait.
Comics We’re Buying This Week: Holy Sh*t, A Paul Pope Sighting!
The name is the game! Welcome to Comics We’re Buying This Week, the communal comic book welcome wagon where we all share the hotness we’re snagging from the funny book farm on a given Wednesday. Per usual: my taste is shite, and I’m always looking to broaden my horizons. Don’t know what’s dropping? Behold ComicList.
Funny Books We Snagged This Week: Bruce Wayne Is Like All F**ked.
Here at OL, the regular lead regular lives. Sometimes that sheezy gets in the way of timely column posting, and for that I hope you forgive us. Tuesday is the typical day I churn this pig out. As is evident, I did not. After getting home from a day on campus at 10:00 pm, I lived the life of a winner. Which is to say I ate a burrito, an entire bag of Sweethearts, and went to bed. A caloric nightmare.
Let’s party anyways. This is Funny Books We Snagged This Week, the column where we gather together and share our choice choices in the comic book world for a given week. Don’t know what is coming out (I suppose came out)? Visit ComicList.
Comics We’re Buying This Delicious Week: Rendar Hearts Wolverine
Oh snap! Sorry we’re late with the column. Comics We’re Buying This Delicious Week. C’est la semester or some shit. Comics! Assuredly bought by everyone involved. So what did you buy? Rendar bought the groceries this week, so here’s his loot. Hint: he totally wants to marry Logan.
What’d you buy this week? Or if you haven’t, check out what’s dropping.
Comics We’re Buying This F**king Week: Massive Wood and Brubaker’s College Fund.
Welcome to the newly minted (and perhaps not staying named as such) Comics We’re Buying This F**king Week. Figured I’d cut the bullshit. Herein us guys and gals of the sequential funny book time can share the comic books we’re digging on in a given week. It’s a pretty exciting week, as I’m getting a new dose of Wood to engulf. Always a sucker for the Wood. (And infantile puns. It’s been a long day, forgive me.)
Dig the releases for yourself at ComicList.