#Caffeine Powered
Weekend Open Bar: It’s Nudie Magazine Day!
It’s nudie magazine day, friends! Okay, not really. But, the fucking infectious refrain from Billy Madison is what I swing as I’m coming down the stairs every Friday. It’s such a pure, tits-powered jingle that it’s stuck with me throughout the years. And, I can’t think of any better way to kick-off the weekend! Well, other than hanging with you motherfuckers! Ha! How is that for a goddamn segue? God-Tier. Really, just pure writing prowess. Okay, okay. I know I’m a prose-based slob, but let me have this shit!
Anyways, let’s spend some time together this weekend, good friends! Right here in the Open Bar. And I must remind ya’ll beautiful pricks, we ain’t streaming this Saturday. Just one Saturday! Just this Saturday. A little break from our streaming madness. So, that means this is the only venue for chatting with me about nipple hairs. Or whether or not Bags using the phrase “genitals’ like a sociopath is weird (it is). Neither of those topics interest you?
A) What the fuck.
B) No worries!
Keanu Reeves is writing a comic book called ‘BRZRKR’ and I’m completely onboard. Adapt this shit yesterday!
Keanu Reeves is lending his grace and beauty to the comic book world! The dude writing a comic series called BRZRKR, and it’s a 12-issue series from Boom! Studios. Outrageous. I’m all in.
Netflix making blockbuster spy movie starring Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, and directed by the Russo Brothers. Holy *fuck* yes!
How’s this for a big ass Netflix blockbuster! It’s called The Grey Man, and it stars Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans. But wait, there’s more! It’s also being directed by the Russo Brothers. Holy fuck.
‘Atlanta’ director and all-around rad ass dude Hiro Murai signs first-look deal with FX. Oh fuck yeah!
Friends, Hiro Murai has signed a motherfucking first-look deal with FX! If you don’t know who dude is, that means you’re not watching Atlanta or Barry. So son, you’re fucking up. That said if you are in-fact not uncultured swine, you’ll realize this news rules.
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will add xCloud Streaming in September for no extra fee. This is fucking colossal, dudes.
Man, Microsoft is not fucking around. They’re adding xCloud Streaming to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate in September for no extra fee. What does this mean? The company is essentially offering hundreds of Xbox titles to be played, like, anywhere. For fucking $15 a month.
‘The Batman’ ain’t shooting on location anymore when filming resumes. Built sets! This fucking sucks, dudes.
The Batman will eventually resume shooting. And when it does, it’ll be filming on built sets. Fuck me. Ain’t no replacement for filming on location, friends. But, welcome to 2020. Fucking sucks.
Best Of OL Plays: I Don’t Fear Him (I Should)
Dead Cells, like life, comes at you insanely fucking fast. Especially when you’re bound by hubris and a desire to blast ass.
Pluto and five moons have more water than Earth. Than fucking Earth! Wild.
Pluto may not be a planet anymore, but it is fucking flexing on Earth. You see, it’s got more water than the Blue Marble. But, five moons do as well!
Hit the jump for a tasty infographic, friends.
LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System dropping this August. Oh lord, the nerd overlap here!
LEGO is dropping a “Nintendo Entertainment System” this August, friends. And my word, what an overlap on the Nerd Venn Diagram. LEGOs. Retro gaming. Nostalgia.
‘Star Wars: The Bad Batch’ is new TV series spinning out of ‘The Clone Wars’ and I imagine people are torqued!
I haven’t watched The Clone Wars. That said, I believe those who say it is good. So I’m pretty sure those same people are stoked about the news of The Bad Batch series on the way. Filoni executive producing, too!