#Caffeine Powered

‘Dune’ delayed, ‘Bond’ delayed, ‘Batman’ delayed, everything fucking delayed. We staying home, folks.

dune delayed

Since I’ve last been on the ball, roughly every single movie has been delayed. In the last week, we’ve seen DuneBatman, and Bond delayed. It’s official, folks. We ain’t going to be seeing any tentpoles until COVID cools down. Which, given its progression in the United States, will be approximately Who Fucking Knows.

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Astronomers have found 24 Exoplanets that may be better than Earth for life. 24 damn Exoplanets!

astronomers 24 exoplanets better life than earth

Here’s a fucking find, friends. Astronomers have found 24 exoplanets that may be better than Earth for life. Like, okay, fine. The operative word is probably “may”, I’ll admit it. Still, pretty cool.

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‘Cyberpunk 2077’ has gone gold and I need this game so fucking bad!

Hell fucking yes, my dudes. Cyberpunk 2077 has officially gone gold. Tremendous news for this guy. As the days grow shorter and colder, and with COVID still absolutely butt-blasting us, I’ve turned to Cyberpunk and my PS5 to get me through the Winter. Now, I just need my launch PS5 to come through, and all will seem (somewhat) endurable.

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Monday Morning Commute: OL Never Dies!

monday morning commute omega level never dies (1)

OL never dies, motherfucker! Even if I take five goddamn weeks off from a Monday Morning Commute. Like a goddamn bum! I’m here today, man. Trying to rally mind, body, and soul for a little interaction. How is everyone doing? It’s just a fucking cataclysmic year, even for those of us most fortunate. For example, yours truly.

The synapses may be rumbling along at a tepid pace. Zoom classes may absolutely fucking suck. But, I’ve still got a home, health, and a job. That’s a victory in most years, especially so in 2020.

Furthermore, it’s not like working from home doesn’t have its advantages. No commute! Getting to spend more time with Sam. And right now, I can glance out my windows and watch the leaves fall. Peaceful. As. Fuck.

Anyways folks, here I am. Per the function of this column, I’m about to run down what I’ve been enjoying as of late. You know, the shit that’s titillating, despite my depression, anxiety, and general fear of both The Future and the Now.

I hope you’ll join me in the comments!

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Streaming a little later tonight! 10:30! Talking horror movies, bullshit, and rocking some ‘Dead Cells’ obviously

We’re streaming a bit later tonight, cause Bags and I are both going to an outdoor, socially-distanced movie night! That said, I still hope ya’ll show up for some fun!


Weekend Open Bar: October Country

weekend open bar october country

Mamma mia! Take a depressed dude (hi!) and mix-in some insane work schedule, and what do you get? Just an absolute fucking absence from the digital universe. Specifically, his own Space-Ship. For that, I’m sorry. Apologies, my friends! Apologies. I’m trying. And I suppose that’s really all any of us can be doing in the Year of Misery, 2020.

Shit’s just hard right now! Damn hard. Which means I’m retreating into a cocoon of silence, watching my favorite comedies such as Always Sunny for momentary amusement, and trying and failing to sleep.

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‘Spider-Man 3’ is bringing back Jamie Foxx as Electro. That’s, uh, a choice! Here’s hoping for a Spider-Verse!

spider man 3 jamie foxx electro

Amazing Spider-Man 2 or whatever was one of the worst superhero movies ever. That said, I’m not sure I can hang that on Jamie Foxx. So while it’s odd that dude is returning to the role of Electro for the third Spider-Man flick in the MCU, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I hope this portends some sort of Spider-Verse emerging in the MCU. Ain’t holding my breath, but I can hope!

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‘Firestarter’ remake from Blumhouse casts Zac Efron in lead role. Oh! Okay?

firestarter remake zac efron

I completely forgot that there was a Firestarter remake coming. Unless, I never knew? Not sure. But I do now, courtesy of this news. None other than Zac Efron has been cast in the lead role, ostensibly as Charlie McGee’s father. I don’t really have an opinion on this. Objectively, I like Efron. Is he the right dude for the role? Suppose we’ll found out.

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Astronomers claim they’ve spotted multiple bodies of liquid water on Mars. Get our asses there!

astronomers mars liquid bodies of water

Holy moly, motherfuckers! A group of Italian scientists claimed they’ve found liquid water on Mars. Like, multiple bodies worth. Fucking radical, man.

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Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury is getting his own Disney+ series because fucking of course!

nick fury disney plus series

Hey-o, motherfuckers! Samuel L. Jackson is going to be reprising his role as Nick Fury in a Disney+ series. Wee! I don’t know, I’m fucking burnt out on this shit.

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