Benedict Cumberbatch Joins ‘Spider-Man 3’ as Doctor Strange. Oh lord, here comes the Spider-Verse!

benedict cumberbatch joining spider man 3 as doctor strange

You know! With Benedict Cumberbatch joining Spider-Man 3, it ain’t insane that we could be getting the Spider-Verse. I mean, right? What felt a bit outlandish at first is feeling more and more fucking plausible.

Hollywood Reporter:

The move puts Cumberbatch in the mentor role that was previously occupied by Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark and Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury.
The good and strange doctor has been caught in the spider’s web.

Benedict Cumberbatch is putting on the cloak of levitation and will reprise Marvel supernatural hero Doctor Strange for the latest Spider-Man movie installment, starring Tom Holland and being made by Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures.

The move puts Cumberbatch in the mentor role that was previously occupied by Robert Downey Jr., who played Tony Stark/Iron Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and by Samuel L. Jackson in Spider-Man: Far From Home, the latter reprising Nick Fury. The role gives Holland a chance to play opposite seasoned actors, gives Peter Parker a father figure and gives the movies extra star power while also tying them to the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This Spider-Man project already has some unexpected ties going for it as it is bringing back Jamie Foxx as Electro, the actor-character combo last seen in 2014’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which featured Andrew Garfield as the web-slinging hero.

Having Strange as part of Spider-Man may help explain the returning Electro. Cumberbatch is about to begin shooting Doctor Strange sequel Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, which will explore alternate realities and some speculate therein lies the cross-section.

Spider-Man 3 is due to begin shooting in Atlanta later in October while Multiverse of Madness is also due to begin shooting this month, although in London. It is unclear when and where Cumberbatch will shoot his scenes.

Marvel and Sony had no comment.

Jon Watts, the filmmaker behind Homecoming and last year’s Spider-Man: Far From Home, is in the director’s chair for the third installment, which Sony has dated for Dec. 17, 2021, although moviegoers have now come to expect release dates to change thanks to the pandemic.

Most of the supporting cast from the previous movies – Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, Tony Revolori and Jacob Batalon — are expected to be on the call sheet when cameras roll in Atlanta.

Cumberbatch and Holland memorably first met up as Strange and Spider-Man in Avengers: Infinity War.

Cumberbatch is repped by UTA, UK’s Conway van Gelder and Sloane Offer.