Views From The Space-Ship: My Happy Place


Goddamn, it’s been more than two months since I rocked your calamitous bowels with a Desktop Thursdays? As Jeff Bridges said in The Fly, life finds a way to get in the way. But, I’m here now! And, I’ve got some glimpses into my existence for you fucks. I hope you’ll join me in the comments section, sharing looks into your world(s). Be they tangible, intangible, existential! If not, no worries. Enjoy the glimpse, and I’ll enjoy the artifacting of my own existence. I’ve been rummaging through previous entries into this column, and it’s fucking wild to see me in the various stages of my life.



bad company


tbt: i don’t know when, man. maybe 2011?

tbt wayback


a meek monday roar



chillin’ with hadley



lucielle and her comrade, finn



tbt: our own bateman, circa 2010

bateman wayback


it was all fun and games holding her on our laps until she weighed 80lbs



nobody cared who i was until yadda yadda

masked man


sunshine profilin’



Those are some glimpses into my meat-bound existence, friends.