Monday Morning Commute: The Easy Winter

The Easy Winter

“Let’s keep things in perspective – it was an easy winter.”

He thought of the foals they’d lost. Breathing labored and desperate. Eyelids too gummed up to open. Hot blood draining into cold snow.

He thought of the job they’d botched. Hyperdrive malfunctioning in subzero. Automatons screaming in death throes. Too few minerals for too many men to two-time `em all.

He thought of what this life’d cost. The honor. The glory. The woman.

“Easy winter? Hombre, there ain’t no such thing.”


Welcome to the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE! This is the spot for sharin’ our survival tactics, the showcasin’ of wares we’ll be relyin’ upon to survive the workweek. `Cause it’s lookin’ bad out there, folks, so if we’re goin’ to keep the gaspipes from our lips, well, then we’re goin’ to need something to keep us gaspin’ for oxygen!

I’ll start this rock’n’roll dance-off!


Gettin’ Dystopian With:
Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World


Expandin’ My Mind By Watchin’:
Warren Ellis Drop Knowledge at the MIT Media Lab
[“Mythophysics of the New Normal”]

Warren Ellis at MIT


Celebratin’ the Return Of:
Dave Chappelle!


Findin’ Some Time for Drinkin’:


Shamelessly Blastin’:
“Green Light” by Lorde


Shamefully Blastin’:
“I Don’t Wanna Live Forever” by ZAYN and Terry Swishers


Huzzah! There it is! I’m goin’ to be stuffin’ my mind full of garbage and grandeur!

What’re YOU rockin’ this week?!?