Weekend Open Bar: You Are Ready For Upload


Stand by, your consciousness is ready for upload. Say goodbye to the rot-filth of tangibility, and embrace the ephemeral. You cannot escape Entropy, cause brother the Universe is still dying on you. But hey, no more meat-case. You cannot escape Entropy, cause brother every time we re-upload you to split processing load, you lose a few bits and bytes of yourself. But hey, no more meat-case. So what to do, what to do in the Digital-Oblivion? Why, why not hang out at Weekend Open Bar? The weekly wank-off session at the Space-Ship OMEGA. Tunnel in to one of our android-bodies. Submit your credit codes, cause capitalism don’t need physical space. Drive that android-body up to the bar, and kick the time with us flesh-rats in the Tavern.

Tell us, tells us what you’re doing this weekend. Be it hanging in your rented ‘droid body, spreading your consciousness across the digi-space, or about how you’re processing PI out of boredom.

This is Weekend Open Bar. This is the Space-Ship OMEGA. This is the Future. And we’re happy to have you, be it in an android body, a virtual rift, or a meat-case.

What are you up to this weekend?