Monday Morning Commute: When in Hell we do shots at the bar!
Hello, True Believers! Degenerates! Booger Eaters! Slobs! Slovens! Functioning Human Beings! Individuals Excelling At Their Vocations! If you’re down with the Space-Ship, if you’re here by mistake, if you’re on the Fence and considering writing my Mother a strongly worded email. I want all of you! All of you to share what you’re up to this week. What’s getting you through the doldrums? This is Monday Morning Commute. And that’s the point of this column.
Listening To: Every Time I Die
Excited For: New Between The Buried and Me.
And Their Tour.
Still Playing: Dragon Age: Inquisition.
It’s gotten so bad I’m leaving the game on so I can run missions.
Reading The Fuck Out Of: Casanova: Acedia
Maybe Seeing: Insurgent with Bateman this weekend?
The first movie was so (so) bad. We loved it.
This Week You’re Getting: The latest podcast.
All About: Aubrey Sitterson’s Straight Shoot podcast.
That’s me for this week, folks! Booger Eaters! Slovens! Beautiful Humans! What are you doing this week?