‘Doom 4’ Details: It’s just ‘Doom’, and it’s f**king brutal


The lucky pricks at QuakeCon have gotten to bask in the glory that was the Doom 4 reveal. And while none of us newbie-ass-scrub-fucks who didn’t attend can see it, it doesn’t mean some details haven’t proliferated. Into the main-guts of the internet.

The new Doom is a return to the franchise’s roots, executive producer Marty Stratton revealed during the game’s QuakeCon reveal event — which is why the game has officially been named, simply, Doom.

“As you’ve probably noticed from the teaser, the game is called Doom, not Doom 4, and not something like Enemy Territory: Doom Wars,” Stratton said.

The game will launch on PCs, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and will be running on id Tech 6 — or “id Tech 666,” as the dev team calls it, Stratton joked.

The game’s development, and its reveal presentation, has focused mostly on the tenets of the series’ fast-paced combat. Stratton outlined the different “ingredients” that went into their favorite series installments, including a cast of over-the-top demonic enemies, huge and inventive weapons — “which you can carry all at the same time,” Stratton confirmed — and quick combat, free of regenerating health.

Doom will begin outside of a UAC research facility on Mars, right at the outset of a demonic invasion. In a live gameplay demonstration, we watched a player walk through the facility, shotgun in hand. The gameplay sequence showed off brutal melee attacks and buckets of gibs — each eliciting a roar of approval from the presentation’s attendees. The player also seemed to have a few mobile maneuvers, like a double jump, to help them survive waves of enemy demons and leap over large gaps.

Another segment of the demo saw the player rip the arm off of a nearby corpse, and use the appendage to activate a keypad on a locked door. The player also discovered additional weapons during the run-through, including the iconic double-barrel shotgun and rapid-fire plasma rifle.

Severed limbs were the order of the day — the player had a number of context-sensitive melee executions, allowing him to head-stomp a foe or, in a particularly brutal offing, grab a demon’s arms and tear it in half. At the end of the demo, a flying demon got the best of the player, ripping his arms off and beating him to death with them. In another demo, the player ripped out a chainsaw, which allowed him to carve up demons in different directions — through the shoulder, torso or straight down the middle. Rocket launchers separated demons’ top-parts from their bottom-parts.

It looked like proper, violent Doom — and was met with deafening applause from the audience with each new weapon, new execution animation and gibbing.
