Monday Morning Commute: Charles Xavier Dove Into the Shallow End.
Welcome to the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE! In addition to being my feeble attempt to contribute to Spaceship OL, the MMC is the our proverbial water cooler. We gather `round and share the various ways we’ll be enjoyin’ ourselves throughout the week. Yes, it’s like show-and-tell, but for the Future-Net!
What’s that you’ll be eating? Doritos? How festive! And you, Larry with nubby pinky, you say you’re going to send bags of dogshit to your former secretary? Yes, I do think you’ll get restraining ordered! And Tammy, I can’t believe that you found those Peabo Bryson vinyls! Let `em spin, girl!
Let `em spin.
Watchin’ the X-MEN movie for the first time in years and bein’ amazed at how much it got right and wrong.
Eatin’ macaronis and cheeses because that VANILLA ICE TMNT KRAFT COLLAB is so damn funny. I seriously love it.
Blastin’ the JOY OF MOTION at maximum volumes so that my neighbors know what the fuck human beings can do when they transcend their limitations.
Fast-forwardin’ to the 4:32 mark of 25 YEARS and screamin’ “I VOW, LEST I DIE TOMORROW!” as I slam-dance my apartment to pieces.
So that’s my goddamn week.
What’s your week look like?