Hackers be like, “MT. GOX still has our f**king Bitcoins.”


Arrr! Welcome to the High Seas of Unregulated Wizard Currency and Mad Haxxing! You know how that Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox was all “We’re fucking broke, broken, and destitute” and shit? Declared for bankruptcy? Well hackers are throwing the flag on this idea. Saying that the Japanese-based exchange, in fact, still has their fucking Bitcoins.

The Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy protection last week admitting to an outstanding debt of around $63.6 million. Now, a team of hackers claims that the company still has investors’ bitcoins.

Forbes reports that a group of hackers has uploaded files to prove the point—including a spreadsheet of more than a million trades, a screenshot claiming to confirm they have access to Mt. Gox’s data, and even the company CEO’s home addresses. The same hackers also gained access to the personal blog and Reddit account of CEO Mark Karpeles to post messages claiming that Mt. Gox still had access to bitcoins that had been reported stolen. Indeed, the files posted by the hackers claim that Mt. Gox still has a balance of 951,116 bitcoins.

Forbes also correctly points out, however, that the accuracy of the hackers’ claims has yet to be confirmed. So it’s still not possible to accuse Mt. Gox of fraud; while it could be evidence that the company has embezzled investor bitcoins, it could equally be old data, or a result of questionable accounting (which given the current track record of the company may not be surprising). Either way, the mysteries surrounding Mt. Gox and its coffers seem as murky as ever. [Gizmodo]

I fucking knew I wasn’t an asshole for dumping all my free money in Diet Dew cans and original, unopened Power of the Force figures. Suck it down, cool-kid-haxxer-people. (Just kidding don’t break me.)