Friends, the newest installment of OMNI is here. Led by rocket-riding cowboy-maniac Sergio Mahmoud Jonas, the pioneers come to realize that the fourth rock from the Sun is filled with miracles and horrors inconceivable by the leadfeet stuck on Earth.
In the early years, death cults and the monsters they worship descend from the mountains to wreak havoc. Later, corrupt statesmen misappropriating the Martian dream have to be assassinated. But these are small prices to pay for the benefit of an otherworldly home that produces genuine wonder and challenges us to reconsider the very parameters of possibility.
Hit the jump to check out Rocket Man, a five-page short illustrated by Steven Walters that shows us why Jonas decides to take humanity to the Red Planet!
For more OMNI
For more Steven Walters
Interested in illustrating an issue of OMNI? Contact writer Allen Drinkwater.