Mutual Understanding: The Godfa … BORED


Welcome back to “The Dude hates things that are cool.”  That’s the unofficial title of Mutual Understanding.  I’ve had the pleasure of being sick for the past few days so instead of my normal, systematic break down of why I don’t understand something, I’m going to take a load off and just lob this one out there.  Hit the jump to play along.

How is this movie entertaining?

It’s just a bunch of old guys who I would hate to be around, let alone watch, talking for three hours about stuff that I don’t care about.   There are a few iconic moments in the movie, the horse head, Sonny’s rest stop, but to me the rest of the movie is just noise.  Help me out here.

  • Is it because I hate Italians?


Hate is a strong word.  I should say that I am exhausted by Italians.  Not to be racist, but Italians, when they think they are important, are annoying.  I should know, I’m Italian.  Every family gathering I’ve ever gone to is like watching this movie.  However instead of discussing money, power, and bootlegging, they are discussing gardening, their boring jobs, or putting plastic on furniture.  So is that it?  Do I just correlate my boring ass relatives to this movie?


  • Is there one likable character in the whole movie?


I enjoy character driven stories.  However, I have to at least like a character to get invested in the tale.  The Godfather is full of character with zero likability.  One might argue that that very factor makes it more real as it deals with a world of unlikable, nonredeemable characters.  That’s all well and good but I wasn’t alive during the time period so I have nothing to relate to when watching it.  Do I hate this movie because I failed to make a connection with the characters?  Is it more abstract?   Is it supposed to be about the struggle to oppose the behavior of our own families that we despise?

So please, if you love this movie, or even if you like it, please tell me why.  What am I missing?  Or if you agree that its pretentious garbage, help me out.  I’ve got more issues with the film, but as I anticipate death’s calming grasp to be claiming me soon, I’m heading back to bed.