‘PLAYSTATION 4’ being announced on February 20, motion-sensored arousal.


Is sensored a word? It is now! IDGAF. Oh boy. So yeah. Sony is announcing PlayStation 4 Wunder Pow! on February 20, which means I need to start rubbing dimes together. Here is hoping the Powers that Be at the company don’t drop another, “we want our customers to love our products so much they being selling seed and egg to afford us” on the crowd.


The WSJ is confirming what we all saw inSony’s slick video teaser for its upcoming February 20th event: Sony will be announcing the PlayStation 4. Citing the ol’ reliable ‘people familiar with the matter’, the WSJ says that the PS4 will be announced on February 20th and be released later this year.

The WSJ also reports that Sony will try to throw in more “social gaming aspects” in the PS4, focusing more on how people “interact with the machine” than the sheer hardware power of the system. Sony had considered ditching the disk drive and using game downloads but decided that video game file sizes would be too large and Internet connections may be too slow to handle the load. Which means we can still expect the ol’ disk bay to be in the PS4. The announcement of the PS4 will beat Microsoft’s Xbox 360 successor to the punch, it’s unclear if the actual next generation system will too. Both are expected to launch by this holiday season. [WSJ]