Nintendo is remaking ‘WIND WAKER’ for the Wii U, which is sort of cool

It's everything you (never) asked for!

This can be filed under “sort of cool, but not worth buying.” Right up there in my life with the Fleshlight,  Snuggies, and an inspection sticker for my car. Nintendo is ripping out a Wii U remake of Wind Waker, probably because they have no fucking games, and no one cares about the system. It’s a semi-dope move, but it isn’t going to be enough to get me to buy the system. That’ll take a brand new Mario or Zelda title.

I Heart Chaos:

Nintendo is remaking Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker for the Wii U

Remaking Ocarina of Time for the 3DS worked out pretty well for Nintendo, so for the Wii U, they’re hard at work giving Wind Waker a full modern HD makeover. Wind Waker will be out this fall, and Nintendo promises they’re working on a new Zelda game, but they don’t have a date when it’ll be completed.
