The Slumber Party Manifesto
At the end of the day, the Slumber Party has something for everyone in America. It cuts across all socio-political barriers because it realizes the historic quality of rest in the makeup in each and every yawning citizen. For there was once a time in this nation’s history when the weary were not only known for being weary, but were welcomed for it, when the tired were given over from other lands so that they could get a good night’s sleep here before doing the work that needed to be done. No country in the world could compare with the grand possibilities of sleeping in America, and no populace, made up of big dreamers and hard workers, was so willing to give their all to the dream of prosperous living as Americans did in multitudes. But all that has changed.
Now, there is no rest for the weary, no respite for all the tired. Modern America is prolonged by the Great Yawn, and the American people, longing to return to form, cannot account for what made the country as great as it was once estimated. Unlike others that push divisive plans, the Slumber Party recognizes that there is a simple remedy, one that has been passed down for generations, since the time when, if the previous bedtime stories had not worked their magic on the sleepless, parents would teach their tired children to count sheep (the Slumber Party’s animal symbol) and then leave the little ones to take stock of their own limitations before losing consciousness, before their inability to take a count of the sheep led them off to a deep sleep. No matter how wakeful or nimble-minded, it was only a matter of time before the sheep were too many for these children. But when they woke up in the morning, they all were better for it. And, with patience, they all could get up to something better too.
As the years go on, older and wiser citizens, counted on to maintain the society without suitable rest, simply lack the conscious stimuli in their daily lives to return the nation to prominence. Weary Americans ought to view their yawning neighbors going about their days, to understand what they themselves are doing to others, and take note, because more awareness and consideration are what realize the restful sleep that ultimately recovers the American Dream for everyone. As long as each and every yawning citizen follows this call for universal rest, the solutions-oriented corollaries that come from it can positively take hold and guide the country into the future, when once well at rest, each Bedfellow, having it made, will offer another a final yawn at the prospects of a new day in America, knowing the American Dream is here to stay.