Monday Morning Commute: We’re Not Immortal, We’re Immoral.

Hello friends. Welcome to the jamboree. Lately the status quo on Spaceship Omega has been a blinking red sign that reads “busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.” Rendar has gotten himself embroiled in a class-action lawsuit against McDonald’s. Something about dipping his testicles in hot coffee that wasn’t hot enough, didn’t leave scars large enough, I’m not sure. He pulled down his pants and I turned away when I began to see the boils and then I started screaming.

And me?

I’ve been chugging along, writing my thesis for my Master’s Program. All along the oblivion known as the “Real World” has been staring me in the eyes, rubbing its belly and chuckling manically. We are going to have to tussle very, very soon. Throw thirty+ hours of tutoring on top of that, and whelp…let’s just say the Spaceship has been on auto-pilot. None the less! With all this busyness, we could all use some escape.

This is Monday Morning Commute, the column where we spout off the various arts and crafts keeping us from stabbing ourselves during the grind of the 9-5. The following are my jams.


Playing / Borderlands 2, WoW: Kung Fu Panda
I been playing these two games lately, but both of them are equally unsatisfying. Blands 2 is outrageously dope. However, I don’t really have anyone to play with, and I imagine the game is twice as dope with a friend. Anyone interested in grinding out a toon to rock with me? I’m level 17? Something like that? Then there is WoW: Kung Fu Panda. The series is showing its age. I continue playing because there will never be a day when a 5-man with a friend isn’t a suitable exchange for a social life. Sadly. So sadly.


Listening: BTBAM: TPP2:FS
Probably my album of the year. So tasty, so delicious.


Fighting the urge to buy: Dishonored
Man! I was real, real, real fucking close to buying Dishonored this weekend. It has been calling to me, daring me to make the financial and time-based mistake. I ain’t even finished Blands2 or capped a character in MoP yet, and there I was. It seems fly as fuck. Has anyone played it? Can I live vicariously through you? I’ll make you gumball milkshakes as you tell me tales of killing people with aplomb.


Wanting to read: Fahrenheit 451 
This has been the year of Bradbury and Diaz for me. Continuing to celebrate them, I’ve been wanting to return the favorite that got me started with Ray Ray Brads (as we call him on the street corners in Middle Class USA). Rendar was quoting it a couple of days ago, and I realized I couldn’t remember a goddamn thing about it. Then I recalled that I read it something like fifteen years ago. Maybe sixteen. So fucking disgusting. Getting old sucks. Speaking of which.

It’s Rendar’s birthday (Oct 22)
Happy birthday you piece of shit. Jesus Christ you getting old is making me feel like a pair of gray testicles wrapped around senility.


What are you guys and gals up to this week?