The Meming of Life:
Ordinary Muslim VS. Successful Black Man

That’s it. Enough! I’m sick and tired of all the damn stereotypes! So are these guys. Our friends Ordinary Muslim Man, and Successful Black Man might seem like a couple of meme’s slathered in a buttery bigotry creme sauce. But at their best, they provide a deeper underlying message about casting off our individual cultural identities and finding a place for ourselves in the black hole of mainstream (American) culture. Shit is deep, yo.

Let’s start with Ordinary Muslim Man. This dude has managed to create a modest life for himself despite a heaping dose of anti-muslim sentiment. His God might have a different name than his friends and neighbors, but this is America. We are all entitled to pursue our dreams, no matter what religion we practice, right? Well, yes. But on a day to day basis his fervent zeal can often be mistaken for diabolical sentiment, sending shivers up the spines of his fellow children of the melting pot.

Ordinary Muslim

Ordinary Muslim

Ordinary Muslim

Ordinary Muslim

Ordinary Muslim

Successful Black Man is testament that anyone can make it in this country, regardless of their humble beginnings. This minority go getter has risen to the upper echelons of society on the exploitation of his talents, and the strength of his ambition. Kudos to you, SBM. Way to keep your eye on the ball. Unfortunately, his highly personable nature can be confusing to those who might have fallen victim to believing African American stereotypes.

Successful Black Guy

Successful Black Guy

Successful Black Guy

Successful Black Guy

#1Successful Black Guy

So I leave it to the world to decide. Which meme wins?