J.J. Abrams Builds WALL To Prevent ‘STAR TREK 2’ LEAKS. Amazeballs.

J.J. Abrams  says “Fuck you!” to you and “fuck you!” to information and pictures being sniped by enterprising assholes around the filming of Star Trek 2. In order to combat the outflow of information the Lord of Lens Flare has constructed a giant wall. This is tits and cream right here.


We knew director J.J. Abrams was upset about the  photos  and  video  that were leaked awhile back from his highly anticipated sequel ‘Star Trek 2’ (or if you prefer ‘Star Trek 12’). After all, even  Zoe Saldana  who plays Uhura mentioned this in her interview with MTV. But we didn’t know how angry he was until now.

Even with the high security measures that have already been implemented, Abrams was still unable to prevent the few photos that have already come out. He is so dead set on having no more leaks that he has built a blockage around the area where some outdoor location shooting is occurring. Don’t believe us? Well, here’s the photo proof below!

Abrams ordered 30 large shipping containers (the kind you see at ship yards and harbors) and literally built his own “Great Wall of Trek” in an attempt to prevent paparazzi from taking any more unauthorized footage. Of course, this won’t deter them. Instead, they have taken it up as a challenge and have promised that photos of this shot will come soon even if they have to get a large ladder to get it.

I love this dude’s dedication to keeping the exact location of his lens flares a secret. No, seriously. It’s pretty swaggerlicious. The Dark Knight Rises  filming was a constant source of spoilery nonsense, with even the headlines of previously righteous sites blowing up plot points and shit. Not cool man! Not cool.