South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Buys PlayStation With Campaign Money; Resigns. Can’t A Man Relax?

South Carolina Lt. Governor Ken Ard  has probably carved your ass up in Killswitch 3: The Franchise Caff Will Never Play. Or at least that’s how I imagine it. You see, our boy Ard spent a good amount of campaign money on some techno-gadgets, and now his ass has gone and resigned.


South Carolina Lt. Governor Ken Ard resigned this morning following a longrunning scandal during which he admitted he used his campaign funds to buy iPads and PlayStation 3s, news outlet TalkingPointsMemo reports.

According to the report, Ard spent $3000 on  a PlayStation, clothing, iPads, and his wife’s cell phone bill. He spent a total of $12,121 in illegal campaign expenditures.

The New York Times  reports that Ard made the following statement  during a press conference today:

During my campaign, it was my responsibility to make sure things were done correctly. I did not do that. I am deeply sorry and take full responsibility for the entire situation.”

On the plus side, at least now he’ll have more time to play video games.

Shit, yo. With all the seediness of politics, you’d think we would applaud this American Hero for misappropriating funds in such a non-salacious manner.