RUMOR: Is This The Plot To ‘IRON MAN 3’? I Hope So.

There’s a rumor that be a-rumor-rating across the internet today regarding the plot to Iron Man 3. Just a general guideline, nothing too spoilery. If true!, however, I’m pumped.


As shooting for Shane Black’s  Iron Man 3  nears the horizon, everyone is buzzing about how  The Avengers  will impact the third installment of Tony Stark’s saga. And we think we finally have the answer.

According to  Latino Review’s  an anonymous source from an early screening for  The Avengers, the plot for  Iron Man 3  is embedded within Joss Whedon’s new movie. This makes sense, as Marvel goes to great efforts to make sure all their superhero flicks are interconnected.

So what’s the big secret? Allegedly  Iron Man 3  is pulled from Warren Ellis’  Extremis  story arc. In  Extremis, a nanobots give Tony superpowers, such as the ability to build a super suit from his skin. Naturally things fall apart when Stark has to fight his own creation. We have to admit the story could easily fit in with  The Avengers, especially after the jabs Captain America throws at Tony for just being a guy in a suit. Perhaps Iron Man develops yet another complex?

Furthermore, Marvel released the  Extremis  motion comic two years ago (which is where the first  Iron Man  the movie pulled part of its story from). We even speculated that it might be basis for  Iron Man 2  at one point, but Marvel is super-calculating with its superhero properties, so why give  Extremis  a motion comic push if they’re not going to utilize it?

I’ve always been a fan of the move towards incorporating the suit into  Tony. Maybe it’s because I’m a geek who dreams of being post-human and shit. Eh! What can you do. A mechanized suit was dope back in 1912 or whenever this comic was started, but the push for the futurist Tony Stark to up his post-humanist game makes sense to me. I like it. Dig it. Sweat it. Et cetera.