24-Hour Cupcake-Dispending ATM In Beverly Hills. Rich F**ks Got It All, Man.
Holy shit-tits, this is the bizness. (Disregard that entire sentence. It’s the entire bag of Jelly Belly sugar slowly metabolizing in my caffeine-guts.) There exists, in a promise land, a 24-hour cupcake-dispensing ATM. Mine eyes and shit. Mine eyes.
Super Punch:
Sprinkles in Beverly Hills:
This automatic cupcake machine dispenses freshly baked cupcakes, cupcake mixes, apparel and even cupcakes for Fido! In the heart of Beverly Hills nestled between Sprinkles Cupcakes and the brand new Sprinkles Ice Cream, 24 Hour Sprinkles will be continuously restocked day and night with a variety of freshly baked cupcake flavors.
Probably for the best that this isn’t down the street from me. Probably wouldn’t go well with my nightly peanut butter sandwich that I typically wash down with Apple Cinnamon Cheerios.