Comics We’re Buying This Delicious Week: Rendar Hearts Wolverine

Oh snap! Sorry we’re late with the column. Comics We’re Buying This Delicious Week. C’est la semester or some shit. Comics! Assuredly bought by everyone involved. So what did you buy? Rendar bought the groceries this week, so here’s his loot. Hint: he totally wants to marry Logan.

What’d you buy this week? Or if you haven’t, check out what’s dropping.

Northlanders #48.
The march towards the end of the series continues. It’s uh, Vikings and stuff. (I’m a few issues behind.)


Wolverine and the X-Men #5 / Alpha and Omega #2.
My brother went full mutant this week. I can’t blame him though. I’ve been digging on the Aaron-powered Wolverine and the X-People, though it’s a trusty “read while taking a dump before a shower” type ish. Still though, I need things to clog the brain pipes while I’m clearing the brown pipe, before I scrub the body. Right?

Also, he snagged A&O #2, despite us not reading the first issue. Whatevs.


Incredible Hulk #5.
Things my brother really likes: the Hulk smashing shit. Things I don’t really care about, but would read on the throne: Incredible Hulk. What I’m not going to end up doing: reading this comic book.


Secret Avengers #22.
Hell yeah! Give me some Remender on the Secret Avengers tip. I loved his .1 issue that introduced his reign, and while I don’t think it’ll rock me like Ellis’ stand alone issues, I’m excited. Continuity of care that I actually appreciate.

Shit Not Bought
An interesting comic that dropped this week was Thief of Thieves #1. Robert Kirkman comes up with a premise, and Nick Spencer write the script. I dig me some Spencer. Anytime, anytime  he wants to put out another issue of Infinite Vacation would be awesome. Also, the comic I wanted more than anything: Conan #1, by Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan. I’m sure the comic shop was sold out, so tomorrow Imma go hunting. Hunting dang well.


What did you kiddos snag on this bestest of days? Hit me.