‘Captain America & Bucky’ Becoming ‘Captain America & Hawkeye’ Why.

I was just bemoaning the lack of consistency in Marvel’s titles these days, with a ridiculous amount sporting amorphic titles and numbering. Just bemoaning it! Then I caught this. Captain America & Bucky is becoming Captain America & Hawkeye, but should really be titled There’s A Fucking Avengers Movie, Guys!


It started last week with the announcement of “Avengers vs. X-Men: Versus.” Then, Rick Remender and Gabriel Hardman revealed details about their upcoming “Secret Avengers” run. On Tuesday, Brian Michael Bendis and Walter Simonson spoke about their collaboration on “Avengers” during “AvX.” Today continued the trend of Marvel’s Next Big Thing series of press conference calls with yet another big announcement from the House of Ideas: the conversion of “Captain America & Bucky” to “Captain America & Hawkeye.” Moderator Junior Sales Administrator James Viscardi was joined by series writer Cullen Bunn, who shed some light on the upcoming series.

The book will be written by Bunn with art by Alessandro Vitti continuing the numbering of “Captain America & Bucky.” “The ‘Cap and Bucky’ series was going to go through this change in stories that didn’t focus on Cap and Bucky in the past and shake things up a bit,” said Bunn. “They contacted me to see if I’d be interested in writing this series. Hawkeye was one of the characters that I love the most, so I jumped all over that. The interesting thing about the series is that it is going to be Captain America and Hawkeye, but it is going to be a rotating cast.” After four issues the cast will change to Captain America and somebody else. There will be both arcs and one-shots featuring Cap and other characters.

“The short and simple of it is Captain America and Hawkeye go out and fight a bunch of dinosaurs,” said Bunn of the first arc. “That’s pretty much how I pitched my initial story. I wanted to get into the dynamic of these two characters who have been Avengers for so long.” The writer also said he wanted to play off their previous relationship and explore how they see each other in terms of how they handle different situations.

Interested? Me? Nah, yo. Not at all.