Screenwriter For New ‘Blade Runner’ Announced Soon According To Producer.

Hot off the tits of the Prometheus trailer comes some more Ridley Scott dancing in the glory days news. New Blade Runner flick be getting a screenwriter announced soon.


We asked if “Blade Runner” would really be Scott’s next project after he finishes post-production on next summer’s hotly anticipated  “Prometheus.” “Here’s the thing about Ridley. Ridley is a special guy. He’s a force of nature,” Kosove said. “He’s got a lot of stuff that he’s working on. I believe it’s an extremely high priority for Ridley, that’s what he’s said to me. This project is moving forward aggressively in development.”

Kosove said that there will be an announcement very soon, in terms of what, exactly, the project is. “Sometime in the first two months of the new year we’ll announce who the screenwriter will be and whether or not it’s a prequel or sequel. And then we’ll be off to the races.” Scott himself said last month the movie is “liable to be sequel” but it appears nothing is quite set just yet.

Anyone want to spout on a dream writer? I propose an LSD-fueled reanimated Phillip K. Dick.