Asteroid ‘Vesta’ Gets A Landslide, Fleetwood Mac Approves. Gettitlol?

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Check out Vesta. Big son of a bitch asteroid. It’s got one of the most impressive cliffs in this little quaint solar system, and its majesty was recently captured by the robotic Dawn spacecraft.


Asteroid Vesta is home to some of the most impressive cliffs in the Solar System.  Pictured above  near the image center is a very  deep cliff  running about 20 kilometers from top to bottom. The image was taken by the  robotic Dawn spacecraft  that began orbiting the  500-kilometer space rock  earlier this year. The topography of the  scarp  and its surroundings indicates that  huge landslides  may have occurred  down  this slope. The scarp’s origin remains unknown, but parts of the cliff face itself must be quite old as several craters have appeared in it since it was created.  Dawn has now finished  up its high altitude mapping survey and will spiral down to a lower altitude orbit to better explore the asteroid’s  gravitational field. During 2012,  Dawn  is scheduled to blast away from  Vesta  and begin a long journey to the only asteroid belt object known to be larger:  Ceres.

Per usual, well down Cosmos. Well done.

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