Video: Boston Dynamics Is Building A Real Cylon. We Learn *Nothing*.

The people behind the robotic Hounds of Hell are now bringing about a fucking headless robot Cylcon future-annihilator. My lord.

Hit the jump to see our destroyer.


Chances are you’re familiar with Boston Dynamics’ Big Dog or its larger cousin Alpha Dog. Now, the roboticists at BD have constructed PETMAN, a six-foot-tall, 180-pound, headless humanoid robot whose potential lies in chemical weapons testing. Notes The Boston Globe:

PETMAN – the human-form robot was developed as part of a $26.5 million program for the Army – may be [Boston Dynamics’] most sensational robot yet […] PETMAN has been through preliminary tests in preparation for use next year as part of an anti-chemical-warfare program developed by the Pentagon. Because it can walk, turn, and twist like a person, PETMAN will serve as a stand-in for humans when it is doused with noxious chemicals in tests.

Furthermore, BD reveals that PETMAN can simulate “human physiology by controlling temperature, humidity and sweating inside the clothing to provide realistic test conditions.” Yes, we’re teaching them to sweat…while doing push-ups. Hat tip to Joseph for your skinjob news of the day.