Genius Dude Carves A Smartphone Dock Into His Fake Arm. The Future. Welcome To It.

Meet Trevor Prideaux. The man who build a fucking smartphone dock into his prosthetic arm. The posthumanist geek in me gets a bit warm in the loins just thinking about this. Oh lord. Oh lord yes.


Prideaux, who was born without his left arm, always had trouble finding a position to comfortably use his phone–he would either have to balance it on his prosthetic arm or place it flat on a table, neither of which was convenient to do. So he pitched the idea of embedding a dock for his Nokia C7 (Nokia?!) inside his fiberglass and laminate prosthetic limb.

Technicians at Exeter Mobility Center created a cast of Prideaux’ Nokia phone and built a new prosthetic limb to those specifications. It worked just as Prideaux wanted. He told the Telegraph:

This phone is slightly narrower than an iPhone and has both a qwerty and alphanumeric board, which is easier for me to use. My Nokia C7 sits within my forearm, between my stump socket and the single knob rotary that holds my limb attachments in place. Now when I get call I can either hold my arm up to my ear or put it on speaker phone. I can also take it out if I need to. Texting is also much easier and a lot safer.

Oh the future. I hug you and love you.