Creator of ‘Doritos’ Has Died, Here’s An Orange-Fingered Salute.

Doritos are fucking delicious. Sure, they stink my breath up for a day and a half. As I vomit-burp up the spices out of my carbonated-ravaged esophagus. Sure they’re three-million calories. Sure they cover my fingers in yet another  vile coating of stuff. They’re fantastic. Their creator has died. Let us mourn.


Orange-stained fingers around the world were clenched in grief last week, when the legendary marketing man credited with the creation of Doritos passed away. But take heart, snack fans; Arch West is taking his cheese powder-infused tortilla chips with him on his eternal journey.

That’s right, West is being buried with Doritos.

A marketing executive during the  Mad Mendays, Arch West took a chance on an odd little chip he discovered being made in a little shack near San Diego, California. The then marketing vice president for Frito Co. (soon to merge with H.W. Lay & Co. to form Frito-Lay) had trouble getting the idea of a mass marketing tortilla chip past his superiors, so he got together some money from his budget and did a little research and development on the sly. Doritos hit the market in 1964.

The result was a multi-million dollar product for Frito-Lay and one of the most recognized snack foods on the planet, with 23 flavors currently available in the U.S. alone. Doritos are almost synonymous with snacking, often paired with Mountain Dew as the preferred food and drink pairing of geek culture.

True in peace, True American.