Kid Snorts Ritalin To Continue Xbox 360 Binge, Ends Up In Hospital. Go Figure.

Man, I feel like I’m a bit of an irresponsible dude with the amount of caffeine I crush. It’s a general move, designed to keep the demons away, the voices quaint. I have nothing on this kid, who decided that snorting Ritalin would be the most proper way to continue his gaming marathon. Not surprised it didn’t end particularly well.


Most gamers will grab an armful of sugar and energy drinks if they need to keep awake during a monster play session, but for one New Zealand high school boy, that wasn’t enough. He decided to inhale a load of Ritalin to enhance his Xbox 360 time, and it didn’t end well. Who could have guessed?

The boy as admitted to hospital,  “White as a sheet and hyperventilating” after snorting the prescription drugs through a “makeshift device.” The Ritalin was obtained from a classmate and the boy admits he’s been on it for some time, inhaling it from a stripped-down pen nub.

“Being such a traumatic, emotional experience of thinking my boy was dying, to ‘he is snorting drugs,’ put me in shock,” said the father, who has managed to remain anonymous alongside his son.  “… If [parents] have Ritalin in their houses it needs to be kept in a secure place. They all think their kids are angels.”

As they say, discretion is the better part of valor. Or roughly translated for this scenario, “Turn the fucking Xbox off before you blow a gasket, yo.”