‘Gears of War 3’ Leaked Over The Weekend. Pirate Devils!

While you and I were loving freedom and capitalism and hamburgers over the weekend and into Monday evening, pirate scum Communists were out ruining everyone’s fun and hating our lovely country. They thumbed their noses at our free market and released an early version of Gears of War 3 onto torrent sites.


Though Gears of War 3 isn’t scheduled to ship until September, an early build of the game’s single-player campaign has leaked to the Internet, causing a flood of spoiler-filled videos to surface on YouTube.

No word yet on how this early build was obtained, but Microsoft said it’s working with various security teams.

“We have seen the reports of Gears of War 3 content being propped on the Web and working closely with our security teams and law enforcement to address the situation,” Microsoft said in a statement given to IGN.

“This content is not from a final build and is not representative of what fans will enjoy when the game launches.”

I don’t know why, but the leak bums me out. More than anything, the fact that it’s a buggy version of the game gets me a bit frowny. Maybe it’s because I love the Huge Dude and his endeavors, and I feel for the guy having his title splayed across torrent sites before its received its final spit shine. I know that no one will take it for the final version and that it’s still the most pre-ordered 360 game ever. I still frown a bit though.

Pirate devils!