Blizzard’s Secret Game ‘Titan’ Is Called A Casual MMO.
Every MMO dork knows about Blizzard’s next MMO code named Titan. I sit, quietly lusting for it. I’m feigning for that shit. There’s been relatively little news about the project, but one analyst is predicting it to be a casual MMO. Yeah right.
The people who make MMO juggernaut World of Warcraft have another massively multiplayer online game in the works, a game they’re calling Titan for now. Blizzard calls it “awesome” and “ambitious.” One analyst calls it “casual.”
That analyst would be Stern Agee’s Arvind Bhatia, who writes that Blizzard Entertainment’s next products are “expansion packs for Starcraft and World of Warcraft, a new Diablo game, [and] a new casual MMO” that are “likely be released in the next 12 to 24 months.” Bhatia clarified with Gamasutra that the “casual MMO” he was referring to was, indeed, Titan.
With World of Warcraft appearing to have reached its player-base cap and Activision more reliant on Call of Duty to be a success, a newer broader market for Titan would make sense–even if we don’t know just how “casual” this game is expected to be.
Casual? Yeah right. Even if that’s their intention, let me tell you about us zealous Blizzard acolytes. We do everything to eleven. I assume what they mean by casual is that they want it to be more accessible to the average schmoe. Even still, once they get a taste of that delicious Blizzard nectar, they’ll be scratching their arms and twitching when they’re separated from it.