Al Gore Calls Games The “New Normal.”

When a dude discovers climate change, lets himself be robbed of an election, and creates the internet, you listen to him. So pay attention when Should Have Been Emperor Al Gore calls video games the “new normal”, whatever the fuck that means.


“Games have clearly arrived as a mass medium,” former Vice President Al Gore professed to a crowd of Games for Change conference attendees this afternoon. Gore gave the event’s keynote address at New York University earlier today, where he looked especially sleepy from a redeye flight out of Tokyo. “This is a very large, extremely significant industry, with a radically diverse and growing audience of players on all kinds of platforms,” he added, citing the ubiquity of gaming over the past few years as a result of efforts by major console manufacturers, smartphone makers, and (of course) Facebook. “Games are the new ‘normal’ for hundreds of millions of users every month.”

Gore went on to speak about his own admittedly short past with gaming, saying that the last game where he felt he “was best in the world, potentially” was Pong. He did, however, recently convert his book “Our Choice” into an eBook for iOS devices. He related this experience with the world of “serious games,” where gaming is used to “illuminate issues that can seem intractable and overly complex.” In so many words, it was an arduous process for him to convert the book — just as it’s difficult to convert complex concepts to the gaming medium.

The new normal, again, whartever that means. I personally yearn for the day grown ass men wearing diapers in public and lactating porn are the new normal. To dream. To dream.