‘Modern Warfare 3’ Premiere Set For May 23. Or Last Week, LOL.

You have to hand it to Infinity Ward and perhaps more importantly Activision. Despite the fact that Modern Warfare 3’s asshole was blown wide open last week for the geek world to see, they’re still trumping its “premiere.”


A post on the Modern Warfare 3 Facebook page announces the game’s world premiere is set for May 23 during “game 4 of the Western Conference Finals on ESPN.”

Note: I make fun, but I’m going to be super fucking excited for the premiere. I’m rocking the typical “Nerd Fronting, Secretly Pathetic Disciple” right now. Sure the game may have been exposed in a tattered selection of images and details, but there’s no way that’s going to come close to what is hopefully a fucking gorgeous launch trailer.

Give me, Dark Masters! Give me.