Friday Brew Review – Lucky Kat
I’ve been in the business of writing about the beers I drink for almost four months now. In truth, I’ve really enjoyed doing the Friday Brew Review as it gives me an excuse to find new elixirs (and, of course, a justification for drinking at least once a week). Thus far, I feel as though my quest to avoid the big-name, low-quality beers of the average drinker has been successful. Unfortunately, in my attempt to steer clear of the kings of drunkenness and the swill they serve at their banquets, I have neglected to feature some of the more reputable local craft brews. This is a terrible habit, conducting a sort of total war on all the names I’ve heard of just to ensure that I sample something fresh.
For some unknown reason, I’ve never consumed a product produced by Magic Hat. Ever. Alright, when I was sixteen I took a single sip at a party but wasn’t quite ready to experience the awesomeness that is beer-drankin’. Despite an immaculate reputation amongst my friends and peers, I have failed to give this Vermont-based brewery an honest chance. So when I was at the alcohol-dealer tonight, I remembered this grievous sin and decided that it was time to atone.
Grinning at me through the cooler door was a Cheshire Cat plastered on the side of a six-pack. I took hold of the seventy-two ounces, reading the box to find myself staring at one Lucky Kat. Yes, this would be the alcoholic beverage of the evening, and I was enthusiastic about my choice.
As per usual, I hit up the brewery website before poppin’ bottles. From the horse’s mouth itself, Lucky Kat is an “Irresistible Pale Ale” available year round, a prospect I find intriguing when considering the novelty of the six-pack’s graphic design; in my experience, the best box-art is usually reserved for limited-editions. Further rooting about Magic Hat’s site, I stumbled upon this self-analysis;
Lucky Kat purrs as he pours with a grin on his mangy face and a grin in his searching eye. He sits on the fence he calls home, dividing up from down. Is he an imperial beast or a pale soul from the east? Only he knows and we know only this: if you reach out to pet him he’ll bite back with a big, hoppy kiss.
With a vague idea of what to expect, I went for it! Lucky Kat poured into my glass as an amber liquid with a cloudiness that only partially dissipated. I sized up the beer and judged it to be medium bodied, with a noticeable layer of foam resting on top for added enticement. However, the fragrance shooting outward from the glass was dense, suggesting the use of extra hops. On the surface, this beer seemed like a great date to prom — all I had left to do was actually ask her out (and hope she doesn’t have herpes).
Lucky Kat introduced itself to my taste buds from a number of different angles. The first impression was that this potion should be marked as a genuine refreshment – a drink to toss a lemon in and enjoy during the summer. But then, without warning, something kicked the back of my mouth; perhaps Lucky Kat had planted a hairball in my stomach that was trying to find its way out. While I was surprised by this bitterness, I certainly enjoyed the extra layer of flavor that it provided. In my most masculine voice, I declared, “Ooh! Kitten’s got claws!”
At that exact moment, The Governor walked into my room. As a feline, I could tell that he was looking to try Lucky Kat. I opened a bottle and let him go for it. Unfortunately, The Governor has a bit of a problem; he pounded the beer as fast as possible and his only comment was “Ehh, beats drinking Listerine.”
“Oh yeah? Maybe *you* have a problem!”
Lucky Kat has taught me a couple of valuable lessons. Firstly, I shouldn’t be so all-encompassing in my aversion to oat-sodas whose names I have heard tossed around. Secondly, I should probably stop being an enabler of my cat’s alcoholism. I don’t care if he’s got a PhD, it’s really time for him to face his demons.
As an “Irresistible Pale Ale,” Lucky Kat hits the spot. It is a brew lush enough with taste to be worthwhile, but mild enough to bring as a party-favor and not be written off as “that pretentious shit Pepsibones always jabbers on about.”
Lucky Kat, you’ve kept me curious enough to try Magic Hat again in the future. For your efforts: B+