Friday Brew Review – Full Moon

Full Moon

Yet another Friday is upon us and therefore it is the duty of OL to present a beverage with which you can forget the work week. While I normally revel in my Friday night ritual of drankin’n’writin’, I don’t think I’d bring my A-Game tonight. Truth be told, I’ve felt like caca ever since I got home and although I’m going to guzzle some smile-potions, I don’t think I have the heart to give an earnest review.

“Shit,” I muttered to myself in front of a pack of third-graders, “who the fuck is going to handle the task of the Friday Brew Review?” Initially, I thought about outsourcing the job to one of my high school students, offering extra-credit for a minimum of five-hundred words. But something told me that administration may frown on that (apparently extra-credit is a Big No-No). I then considered asking for Caffeine Powered’s assistance, but since that guy shoulders most of the writing burden at OL, I didn’t want to add to his workload. I felt lost.

And then it hit me: Mrs. Krueger

Since my prospective baby-mama usually watches me drink the beers (and steals a sip or two in the process), I decided that this was a time to let her shine. So without further adieu, I’m going to get into my 1987 Ghostbusters jammies and hit the hay. Enjoy the guest lecturer and her totally serious review.


Hello Friday Brew Review people, Mrs. Krueger here. I’m filling in for Pepsibones tonight — I think he is sick with the pig. Any-hoo, tonight’s beverage is Blue Moon’s Full Moon. At first glance this winter ale appears dark and heavy. But after holding it up to a light bulb, one can see that it is more of a lighter winter ale. It has a crisp taste, perfect for winter days (or so says the label). Overall I enjoyed this beer. Good job Full Moon!

Grade:  B+/A-

Thank you, and now here is a clip from Grease: